Georgia Meat and Poultry Facility Loan Program

CSRA Business Lending with the assistance of the USDA, Rural Business and Cooperative Service, has established a new Georgia Meat and Poultry Facility Loan Program to facilitate financing for the start-up, expansion, and operation of entities engaged in primary processing (slaughter) or further processing of meat and poultry.    CSRA has established a $15 million dollar Revolving Loan Fund solely for processing facilities in partnership with USDA. Eligible area is the entire State of Georgia.

Maximum Loan Amounts –  No maximum loan amount.  Loans expected to be subordinate to bank and or other financing.   

Terms / Rates / Fees5% fixed rates up to 25 years with a 1% fee.  Maturity depends on loan purpose and assets being financed.   Usually a minimum 10% down or existing or in kind equity is required. 

PurposesCan be used for land, building, machinery and equipment, fixed assets, start up costs, working capital, and in some instances debt refinance.   Applicants can be for profit, not for profits, cooperatives, and community organizations.  To qualify for the Georgia Meat and Poultry RLF, the recipient must process or propose to process meat or poultry and must be a state, Talmadge-Aiken (TA), or USDA.